Jun 19, 2019
Pay your bills, taxes and tickets with Detroit’s newest outdoor kiosk
Now there’s an even easier way to get separated from your money.
Granted, this way is endorsed by the city of Detroit.
There are 70 kiosks that dot the metro Detroit landscape. You can pay bills, taxes and even parking tickets.
“We are the only court that has kiosks, so we’re on the cutting edge here,” said Nancy Blount, a chief judge with the 38th District Court.
And now, they just opened another one. This one is outside. The court has built three inside the court, however this one is open 24 hours a day.
“That’s what we’re interested in, making things convenient for our costs,” said Blount.
That convenience is paying off for more than just the residents too. The court has collected $350,000 just in court costs since November. But what expenses are funding that high dollar sign?
“You can also pay your DTE, your water bill, your property tax – delinquent as well as current,” said Brenda Ashford, with Divdac Kiosk Network. “You can also pay your blight that you get from the city of Detroit, there’s an escrow account that you can also pay on. There are several accounts that you can pay on with the kiosk.”
And there’s no charge. Even more convenient, one can scan their driver’s license to see if you have any outstanding tickets.
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